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Working at the Adventures office has been a blessing that goes deeper than just words.
The past few days I’ve stuck around after work hours to participate in Training camp worship.

It’s something surreal, let me tell you.
During worship, the Father quiets me and says “listen, watch.”
Staring at these participants, I watch the last 2 years of my life unfold before my eyes and start to take myself back to when I was an October training camp participant.
Tears stream down my face and I begin to reminisce on the Andrea I was in 2013, she was so broken, so lost.
The fears, insecurities, pain, unworthiness, heartache, and uncleanliness that I felt back then wash over me and I realize how far the Lord has brought me.

I start to feel overwhelmed with the thoughts and things in my life where I felt stuck. 
The things I fought so hard to hold onto and couldn’t let go of because I didn’t see a way out.
I felt like the woman at the well, surrounded by what seemed like such holy people and I was the only one unclean.
I needed a Savior.

I remember convincing myself they were going to send me home because they will find out what I’ve recently done, the places I’ve recently been.
The question “why would they want me?” was the cry of my heart, but I stuck around because I longed for something more.

4 days past and they still didn’t send me home.
Instead, I was put on a team with 6 incredible woman who would later be such a big part of my redemption story.
I was seen, loved, challenged, and accepted.

If only I knew then what I know now.

I’m sure we all say that about things in our lives, “if only”.
But that’s the beauty of grace.

Grace has been a common thing the last few weeks.
I would have dreams with the number 5 (which means grace)
and hear the Lord tell me that today is a day of grace.

2 years ago, Papa started to walk me into a long, long season of grace.
It’s by grace that I’ve been saved.
It’s by grace that I got to go to the nations to spread the love of Jesus.
It’s by grace that He speaks to me audibility.
It’s by grace that He’s rescued me from who I was.
It’s by grace that I’ve come so far.

And it all started with a Kingdom adventure.

So here’s to you January 2016 world race participant, here’s to your grace story.
Here’s to your redemption story.
Here’s to the beginning of your Kingdom Journey that will last a lifetime here on earth.

I commend you for saying yes.
I commend you for being willing.
I commend you for choosing to live a life of sacrifice and surrender.
I commend you, because I know it’s not easy.
I know what you’re giving up.
I know how hard it must be and feel.

No matter how you may feel now, just wait, the best is yet to come and soon you will stand where I’m standing and see just how far the Lord brought you from the places you may feel stuck in now.

You’re no longer stuck because you said yes.